Fabulous After Latissimus Dorsi Flap Breast Reconstruction
If you’ve just had a breast reconstruction and your surgeon utilized the Latissimus Dorsi Flap procedure, you’ll want to know about this helpful yoga position called Balasana.
Once your incisions have healed, the drains have been removed, you are no longer sore and your surgeon says it’s okay, I recommend doing this yoga position just as soon as you can manage it.
Click here to see the video (skip the ad!).
Don’t worry if you can’t get into the position initially, it’s most likely something you can work towards. Just go as far as is comfortable for you on the day.
Why To Do It!
While this type of breast reconstruction surgery can be wonderful and give you back your figure, it can provide problems.
This surgery can really curtail your range of motion on the affected side if you are not proactive.
I found this particular yoga position so beneficial because it’s gentle, it really helped with my range of motion, it cuts down on adhesions (which can be caused by the newly formed uniting tissues – adhesions can block circulation and cause pain, limited movement, and inflammation) and really helps you to reclaim your body.
I also found deep tissue massage to be extremely beneficial.
How Often?
Do this yoga position at least 5 times a week! It doesn’t take long, and it really does help so much. May it be the beginning of a wonderful new relationship between you and yoga.
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Hi Marnie,
I’m so glad that I found your site and I will definitely try this yoga pose. I used to run and do Bikram. I was operated on Oct. 1 (double mastectomy and lat flap), and I am miserable. I mean miserable. Most of the time, I feel like I have on a cast. And I went to a very reputable doctor in Atlanta. Any suggestions you have would be so appreciated!
Many thanks,
Shannon Frye
Dear Shannon,
Oh I can so commiserate with you! You will get there (yoga and running) again, I promise. I highly recommend employing the services of a good deep tissue massage therapist to help loosen the muscles in that area, to keep the tissues well nourished with circulation and to reduce adhesions from the scars. I created a video to help with that: https://marnieclark.com/reduce-surgical-adhesions-after-breast-reconstruction-surgery/ Any time you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. If you haven’t signed up for my free newsletters and ebooks, please do that – they are filled with my best information on healing from breast cancer. I hope that helps!
Warmest regards,
I apologize for the late response! I didn’t receive a reply in my email box. Anyway, was just Googling lat flap miserable and found this again. Thanks so much for the info. And yes,I will sign up for the newsletter. Thank you!!
Hey Shannon,
I’m sorry you didn’t receive my response, I will also copy your email address with my reply. I hope that you find my recommendations helpful and if you need assistance finding a deep tissue massage therapist, please let me know. There are several massage associations around (depending on where you are in the world) that could offer you a list of names and contact details. Please follow up with yoga as well – the combination of massage and yoga is very powerful and helps quite a bit with keeping the tissues stretched, hydrated and mobilized.
Warmest regards,
Hi Marnie, I am struggling with the decision whether or not to have this surgery. I would be having reconstruction bilaterally with Latissimus Dorsi Flaps. I am a regular student of Yoga and it is a passion of mine. We’re you able to return to a normal practice of yoga? How long did it take? How do you find a message therapist for this issue?
Thanks for your response.
Hi Tracy,
I can certainly appreciate your dilemma. I have sent you a private email in response to your question.
Best regards,
Hi Marnie – FYI – an update to your Lat Dorsi story – in Perth Western Australia my PS Mark Lee has pioneered a Scarless Lat Dorsi technique – which I had for my double recon. You can google it but basically he goes back in through your mastectomy scars, tunnels the Lat Dorsi muscle under your armpit. Much quicker surgery and recovery and no ugly back scar. He has published a paper on this and received a few international awards. I believe a couple of other PS in Aust are now using this technique so it’s worth the ladies asking about it.
Dear Leone,
Hey, nice to hear from you! Thanks so much for sharing that information, that sounds really good! We all appreciate your input and thanks for taking the time to share it.
Warmest regards,
Glad I found your site. I’m 3 months post surgery and still feel like I’m wrapped with duct tape. I have been doing yoga and will implemrnt this practice snd the massage. Thank you.
Sorry for the delay in responding – I’ve received loads of email lately! I’m glad you found this article to be helpful. There is a specific massage technique that will also help you, here’s the link: https://marnieclark.com/reduce-surgical-adhesions-after-breast-reconstruction-surgery/ I hope that helps and I wish you happy healing.
Warmest regards,
Hey Marnie, I’ve been recommended double lat dorsi and am fairly active (swimming, skiing and yoga). Do you think it will be possible to do these activities again afterwards with pt assistance? I’m 35 and worried about mobility. I’m not competitive or anything, but will regularly swim (breast stroke)1km three times a week and practice yoga. The thought of not being able to do downward dog again scaries me. Thanks
Hi Charlotte,
Sorry for the delay in responding, I’ve been moving house. Initially you will find it difficult to do the activities you love. But gentle yoga and sticking with it – don’t stop doing what you love to do, but know that you will be weaker than you ever were until the other muscles surrounding gain strength. I do downward dog all the time, I had a left LD flap surgery in 2004. The rehab period isn’t easy but I also didn’t find it particularly painful, you just have to keep stretching and moving and exercising those muscles. I wouldn’t recommend this surgery if you were a competition athlete but it won’t stop you from doing what you want to do – just slow you down initially! Hope this answers and sorry again for the delay.
Warmest regards,
Marnie Clark