Empowering You On Your Breast Cancer Journey & Beyond
How Marnie Can Help You
One of the most difficult things about a breast cancer diagnosis — beyond all the appointments, doctor’s advice, and personal research time — is that feeling of….
“What if everything I do turns out not to be enough?” That’s what worried me.
There are so many therapies available to us now – chemotherapy, radiation, hormone blocking medications, targeted therapies, immunotherapy. Not to mention all the natural therapies – herbs, vitamins, detoxing, IV vitamin C… so much. Which therapies will give you the absolute best chances of surviving this thing?
I was in your shoes in 2004 and I think it’s safe to say I know exactly how you feel.
You don’t have to travel this road alone.

I created this site for YOU, to help you get through this. And you can.

Please cruise through the pages and articles here – be sure to use the search field if you need to, and if you need more detailed, personalized help, I’m available for coaching.
My coaching sessions are heart-centered and science-based and I draw upon information gathered while on my own breast cancer healing journey, as well as my 23+ years of experience in natural medicine.
Because let’s face it – not every woman will need the same exact therapies as the woman sitting next to her with the same diagnosis – we are all different, all individuals. But sometimes you can’t see the forest for the trees.
So how do you know what will work for you? – You begin by empowering yourself with information.
To get started, pick up a copy of my free eBook “21 Crucial Things To Do When You Have A Breast Cancer Diagnosis” – this will help you gain much strength and clarity!
I’m here for you — just let me know what you need.
x Marnie
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1:1 Coaching
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What’s Next?…
1:1 Breast Cancer & Nutrition Coaching
I’ve been doing this for a long time. I’m delving into the research on breast cancer every single day. I talk with and coach women (and men) going through breast cancer every day. I went through breast cancer myself in 2004 and co-led a breast cancer support group for two years.
What my clients are sharing with me is that I helped them move forward with a holistic healing plan and feeling better in a lot less time (and with a lot less worry, anxiety and confusion) than it would have taken them to put together their own plan
Toxic Free Me Online Course
One of the things I am asked most frequently by women going through the journey is how to get through it with a minimum of damage to their bodies, and their psyche; in other words, how best to survive and give themselves the best chances of recurrence-free survival —
Especially without the use of hormone inhibiting drugs.In order to answer that need, I put together a comprehensive “how-to” course called “Toxic Free Me” click here to view the program and discover the possibilites
Change Your Life Meditation Course
When I was going through breast cancer, one of the things I became aware of quite quickly was that badly managed stress was very much involved in why I got sick. Of course, it wasn’t the only reason, but I believe that this stress undermined my immune system to a significant degree. So one of the first things I felt I must do is learn meditation so I could better handle that stress and then the anxiety of having a breast cancer diagnosis.
This self-study course has the power to change your life!
Read Marnies Blog Articles
Thriving with Breast Cancer – Interview with Cathy LaBash
In my series of interviews with inspirational breast cancer survivors, this one is with Cathy LaBash, diagnosed five separate times with breast cancer. She is now considered to be free and clear of disease, and shares her remarkable story with us.
Thriving After Breast Cancer – Interview with Tirtzah Sandor
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Better Methods of Breast Cancer Detection Are Coming
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