Reduce Surgical Adhesions After Breast Reconstruction Surgery
I had breast cancer in 2004, and I chose to have the latissimus dorsi flap breast reconstruction surgery following upon my lumpectomy surgery because my surgeon found it necessary to remove quite a large chunk of my breast. I am also a massage therapist and I have a great massage technique that will reduce surgical adhesions after breast reconstruction surgery, and I’m excited to be sharing that technique with you today.
I began having some issues with tightness and soreness around the scar and, knowing that adhesions might be forming at the surgical site, I had my own massage therapist perform this massage technique on me. I found it to be absolutely crucial to my ability to move without pain and to reduce post-surgical adhesions, so I shot this video today to help you (with the help of my friend, Robin, who is the person on the massage table – thanks Robin!).
If you can get your massage therapist (or even your partner or willing friend) to watch the video and learn how to do it, you will feel so much better for it.
I didn’t mention it in the video, but please only use medicinal grade essential oils – they are much more effective and potent than the oils you can buy in the health food store. My favorite brand is Young Living Essential Oils.
If you would like to receive my best tips on getting through breast cancer and preventing recurrences, please sign up for my free e-newsletters on the right, and/or “like” me on Facebook (Marnie Clark, Breast Health Coach) and I’ll do my utmost to keep you informed and empowered on your healing journey… and beyond.
I found your video to be very informative, however I had the stomach flap reconstruction surgery done. They took the fat from the lower belly, cut it like a football, cut that fat in half and moved those flaps up under my torso to my breasts to keep the veins and arteries in tact. So my scaring is my lower belly and I am still walking bent over slightly. I can’t fully straighten up yet because it is still opened a bit. Do you have technique for that type of scaring?
Hi Chris,
Thanks for your question! To be honest, I haven’t tried the skin rolling technique on the belly, however, scarring is scarring and that technique should work to decrease any adhesions. Make sure you are completely healed up and pain-free before trying the skin rolling technique, usually about 6 weeks post-surgery. If you can find someone to do it for you, I would definitely give it a try, blending with some gentle backbends yoga-style, providing your back is strong enough. A beginner’s yoga class or Pilates class would be a great place to start. I hope that helps!
Happy healing!
Marmi . . . my scar is not horizontal on my back, but more like a vertical crescent. What direction would the rollong follows?
In your case, the skin rolling would probably be better going the other direction – from the spine out toward the shoulder, so that it goes across the scar. Have your therapist or partner pick up the skin around and over the scar (once it has healed up nicely) to help reduce any adhesions. Hope this answers your question.
All the best,
Hi. I am new at this and was just diagnosed. Fortunately My cancer is in the milk duct and nit spreading outside that area. Due to my family history I am having a double mastectomy on December 4. Most of my worries are all emotional. I think if I could move ahead and look back I would fine. Just terrified of the healing process and drains. My cousin gave me your name because she used your essential oils for her healing. I too use YL oils. Other than my prayers and knowing God is with me on this journey do you have words of encouragement? I will have the expanders and implants on both breasts. I will lose my nipples through the process. 🙏
Hi Teresa,
I’m glad you reached out, it’s good to hear from you. I completely understand the struggle with your emotional health right now. I do have plenty of information on my website. I’d suggest you start here: and do sign up for my newsletters because they contain a lot of information you may find very helpful. I’m here for you if you need me!
Warmest regards,
I am 10 years out from lat flap reconstruction after bilateral mastectomy and very interested in your newsletter. Thank you and grateful to have found this website. It’s been a long road….