by Marnie | Sep 24, 2014 | Breast Cancer and Nutrition, Flaxseed Benefits, Xenoestrogens and Estrogen Dominance |
Nutrients That Offer Protection Against The Damaging Effects of Xenoestrogens As a follow-up to my two articles on xenoestrogens, Unraveling the Mystery of Xenoestrogens and Estrogen Dominance, in which I explain pretty thoroughly what xenoestrogens are, and Protect...
by Marnie | Sep 7, 2012 | Breast Cancer and Beauty, Breast Cancer Risk Reduction, Safe Cosmetics, Xenoestrogens and Estrogen Dominance |
As a breast cancer coach, I continually receive inquiries from women who have breast cancer about safe cosmetics. I’ve written quite a lot about why we should be changing our makeup and cosmetics to safer choices. I wrote a scathing article a few months ago...
by Marnie | Jul 2, 2012 | Breast Cancer and Beauty, Breast Cancer Risk Reduction, Safe Cosmetics, Xenoestrogens and Estrogen Dominance |
Every single day I seem to come across another article or bit of research that reinforces the fact that YOUR BREAST HEALTH MAY DEPEND ON YOU READING THE INGREDIENTS ON YOUR DEODORANT LABEL! I don’t know what the heck is wrong with our cosmetics industry but they...
by Marnie | Jun 30, 2012 | Breast Cancer Risk Reduction, Xenoestrogens and Estrogen Dominance |
Following on from yesterday’s post where I explained what xenoestrogens are (environmental estrogens) and how they are related to breast cancer and a whole host of other diseases (including diabetes, uterine fibroids, fibrocystic breast disease, ovarian cysts,...
by Marnie | Jun 29, 2012 | Breast Cancer and Beauty, Breast Cancer Risk Reduction, Safe Cosmetics, Xenoestrogens and Estrogen Dominance |
What are Xenoestrogens? And What’s All This About Estrogen Dominance? Xenoestrogens are environmental estrogens and they are more abundant than you think. Most natural therapists believe that xenoestrogens play a huge part in the breast cancer epidemic we are...