Are There Problems With Fluoride? You Bet There Are!
One of the things I discovered when I was going through breast cancer in 2004 was that we are creating health problems with fluoride – we should NOT be fluoridating our water.
One of my chief concerns about it are that it accumulates in our bodies and there are numerous health studies indicating that it is creating increased incidence of thyroid problems, skin rashes, dental fluorosis, cancer, and many other conditions.
I found the anti-fluoride argument so compelling, I bought a shower filter and sold our outdoor hot tub. Whenever I am at the dentist and they want to give me a fluoride treatment, I politely refuse and tell them about the video below. I think they believe I’m slightly crazy, but I don’t care.
An Inconvenient Tooth
Don’t take my word for it though. The absolute best way for you to learn about the problems with fluoride is via this You Tube video, “An Inconvenient Tooth”. It is two hours and 49 minutes long and it will require a high level of dedication and curiosity for you to listen to the whole thing. If you just want to learn the basics, though, please at least listen to the first man speaking, Paul Connett, who is a chemistry professor and Executive Director of the Fluoride Action Network. I also thought Daniel Stockin (he’s on from 1:44 – 2:21) was particularly compelling, he’s an ex-Environmental Protection Agency worker. Also, pay close attention to David Biles, a dentist who had a hard time believing the anti-fluoridation movement until he looked at the science, he’s on from 35:18 – 46:28.
Listen to it while you’re paying your bills, surfing your Facebook feed, driving somewhere. But listen to it. PLEASE. It’s important, your health may depend on it.
3 Ways to Make a Difference
Once you have watched the video and are ready to take the next step to end fluoridated water, here’s what you can do.
1. Check out Read their page 50 Reasons to Oppose Fluoridation. Please sign their on-line petition to end fluoridation by clicking on “Take Action” at the top of the page. I did.
2. Vote with your purchases – stop buying toothpaste with fluoride (and a whole host of other toxic chemicals) in it. For healthier toothpaste alternatives, go to my page “Useful Links” and click on Cosmetics and Body Products – Safe, Organic. Or go to your local health food store and find something without fluoride and sodium lauryl sulfate in it.
3. Buy a water filter if you live in a part of the world where your water is fluoridated (it is in the United States, Ireland, Australia, United Kindom and Canada, and a handful of other countries) install a whole house filter, or at the very least filter your drinking water and your showering water. Which brand do I recommend? Go to my “Useful Links” page and click on Shower Filters (toward the bottom of the page). If you are not in the USA, contact me for recommendations in your country.
If you would like my help with getting through breast cancer in an inspiring and ultra-healthy way, please sign up for my free e-newsletters and e-book on the right, or “like” me on Facebook ( It is my honor and my goal to help you through this so that you emerge from breast cancer feeling better than before, thriving!
Great info Marnie,
Thankfully living on an island in Canada we are on well water so no additives whatsoever.
I do remember the boys being given fluoride rinses at the dentists – don’t ever remember being asked permission though!
Will definitely know to turn them down next time (they only give them to under 18s).
Lorraine –
Lucky you, being on well water! And yes it’s really annoying that we are being told by the dental industry that fluoride treatments are good for us and that they decrease the incidence of decay, which has not been proven to be true. Appreciate your input.