The Benefits of Chinese Alternative Medicine for Post Chemotherapy Hot Flashes

Photo of Chinese Herbs courtesy of and Stuart Miles

Today’s guest post is written by MaryAnne Bachia, a dear friend of mine.  MaryAnne is a Licensed Acupuncturist and specializes in women’s health.

I asked MaryAnne to write about how acupuncture and Chinese herbs can assist with the hot flashes that plague us during and after chemotherapy treatments.  I found that regular acupuncture treatments combined with Chinese herbs really assisted me after chemotherapy.

MaryAnne writes:

“Sweating after chemotherapy is a very natural process. What really happens with chemo, as you probably know, is that the chemo burns out everything in the body, good and bad, if you want to look at it that way. It burns out the immune system as well as any signs of disease.

According to Chinese medical principles, this isn’t such a great idea. It’s like burning the oil in a car and continuing to run the engine.

What’s happening with hot flashes is that the body is trying to create the oil again – it’s attempting to rebuild estrogen levels.  It’s one of the ways the body is brilliant for trying to create homeostasis and heal itself.

The body has a perfect way of managing  stress. Cancer may be created in a similar way. The body has created much stress, systemically, and so it creates stagnation or a cyst or tumor compact, in one area, such as the breast. This is why it can be easy to have surgery and eliminate a tumor but we have to learn how to handle our stress in a way that is more balanced so we don’t re-create accumulations or stagnations (as tumors are called in Chinese medicine).

What To Do For Hot Flashes?

Chinese medicine works wonders with both acupuncture and herbs or either one on its own.  If you find the right acupuncturist, one with experience with dealing with cancer, you can also gain tips for nutrition and lifestyle choices that can benefit your re-building and help you regain your strength.

For more information, see my article How Does Acupuncture Work?

For more information have a look at my website at: or contact me for a free 15 minute consultation.”

Thanks so much to MaryAnne Bachia!

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