by Marnie | Nov 24, 2012 | Breast Cancer and Radiation, Breast Cancer Risk Reduction, Mammogram, Thermography |
Photo courtesy of and renjith krishnan Today I’m making an attempt to catch up (ha ha! as if!) on the stack of articles and medical research that has been piling up in my office and came across something interesting that I thought...
by Marnie | Oct 4, 2012 | Breast Cancer Action, Breast Cancer and Beauty, Breast Cancer Risk Reduction, Pinkwashing, Xenoestrogens and Estrogen Dominance |
Pinktober and Pinkwashing You know, I used to love the month of October. I loved the colors of the autumn leaves and how they crunch under your feet (well I still do, but read on), my son’s birthday falls in October, the heat of the summer is gone, Halloween...