What is a Biofrequency Device?

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What is a Biofrequency Device?
One of my favorite tools for health is my biofrequency device, and in this video, I share with you exactly how it works and why I love it so much.
Basically, as you may know, we are all comprised of energy – our bodies, our thoughts and emotions, the food we eat, the water we drink – indeed, the Universe – all have an energetic signature.
This device has a quantum sensor in it and has the technology to scan an energy field, whether it be a person, an animal, a home, water supply – whatever it is – and note where imbalances may lie. Better than that, it can then suggest programs to run that will address those imbalances, and deliver those specific frequencies to the person, animal, object. It is all run by an app on your smart phone.
The quantum sensor in it is a specially designed scanning/sensing mechanism that allows the device to exchange information in higher fields of energy. In these higher states of energetic information, the quantum sensor is able to pick up critical frequencies that influence our physical, emotional and mental well being. This is absolutely the newest cutting edge technology and I’m so excited about this for our health and well-being!
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About Marnie Clark
Hi I’m Marnie Clark, breast cancer survivor turned coach. I have 20 years of experience in natural medicine. In 2004/05 I battled breast cancer myself. You can see more about my journey on my page Breast Cancer Diary.
I’ve been healthy and recurrence-free since 2004 and in 2012 I became a Breast Cancer Coach because I became aware of the fact that whilst there is now a wealth of information on the Internet, much of it is confusing, conflicting, and sometimes just wrong!
So it is my duty to help you unconfuse and untangle all that information, and find what works for YOU.
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“Thank you for the email and the meaningful words. I also wanted to thank you for being with me during my treatments. Your emails and posts not only gave me information but lots of courage.” Susan Z, Canada
I’ld like more information on the bio frequency device
Hi Kelly,
Just sent you an email with more information. Thanks for your interest!
Warmest regards,
I would like to know about biofrequency device pls
Dear Marnie,
I’d love to have more info on the frequency device, too
Hi Diana,
Thanks for your inquiry. Let me know where you are in the world and I will send some info your way.
Warmest regards,
I would like more information on the frequency device please
Can you please send some more in info on this device. Thanks heaps.
This sounds very interesting. I just completed 5 weeks of radiation for metastatic breast cancer and really want to prevent any additional problems. I would appreciate any info you could send my way.
Hi Marnie,
I’d love more information on the bio frequency device. I’m so happy to see that you’ve returned and thank you for all of the advice that you’ve given us. I’m sending prayers and hugs.
Thank you!
Hi Marnie, I would like to purchase this but it says need a referral link. Can you provide that or direct me? I am in the untied states. Thank you
Hi Marnie, pls would you send info on the bio frequency device?
Please send info on how to obtain this device.
Would like more information on bio device
Can I get your referral code, pleae?
I would like more info regarding the bio-frequency device. Thank you.
I had breast cancer in 2001and had a lumpectomy on my right breast and have lymphdema in my right arm since that time. I had 6 weeks of radiation but no chemo. I wear a compression sleeve every day for swelling. Would be interested if the bio device would be helpful for my arm/shoulder swelling.
Information on the bio feedback machine where I can buy one
It sounds revolutionary – and expensive. Can you contact me about purchasing one and how you actually use it? Thank you Marnie. Andie
I have responded to you today, thanks for your patience.
Warmest regards,
I am interested in this device as well and any pertinent information you can give.
Please send info on cost of frequency device
Dear Bette,
Info sent today, as requested.
Best regards,
sounds very interesting. I am curious about the price and where to obtain it?
Hi Cindy,
Info on its way today!
Thanks for your patience.
Marnie xx
Please send info on cost of frequency device
Hi Ada,
Info on its way!
Marnie xx