Today I’m sharing with you the ultimate diet and nutrition to help you while you are undergoing chemotherapy and radiation.
It is really important to keep your energy and nutrition levels high while undergoing chemotherapy and radiation. Try to drink plenty of filtered water throughout your day – it helps to flush toxins from your body and cleanses and protects your kidneys.
Wherever a fresh juice is mentioned below, include any combination of carrot, kale, celery, beet, garlic (if you can stand it!), ginger, apple, pineapple, lemon, broccoli, lettuce, and wheat grass, made with your own juicer.
Always use organic produce whenever you possibly can, but if you live in an area where organics are not readily available, just make sure to wash everything thoroughly to remove any traces of pesticide residue.
Upon Rising
Every morning drink 2 glasses of filtered water with juice from a lemon half squeezed in
Glass of fresh juice
A second glass of fresh juice
Cereal made from a combination of oat bran or quinoa, lecithin granules, psyllium, LSA mix (combination of linseed, soy and almond), dried apricots, prunes, chopped figs or chopped banana. Use almond, coconut or soy milk with it.
Grilled or baked fish, preferably mackerel, tuna, cod, sea perch, dory or salmon
Whole grain or rye bread with a thin layer of avocado, chopped tomato, sprouts and lemon juice for flavoring
Energy/protein shake
Any of the following:
Fresh juice diluted 50/50 with filtered water
Fruit if you feel especially hungry
Herbal teas including echinacea, red clover, chamomile, essiac tea, pau d’arco, chaparral, burdock root or dandelion
Vegetable or miso soup (not canned) made with onions, garlic, ginger and vegetables of your choice
Fresh vegetable salad (good ones to include: lettuce, carrot, bell pepper, tomatoes, celery, spinach, avocado, broccoli, cauliflower, green peas, green beans and cabbage)
Whole grain bread, rye bread or yeast-free pita bread with avocado spread onto it. Add sun-dried tomatoes, lettuce, cottage cheese, grated carrot, grated beet and either salmon, tuna or tofu
Any of the following:
Fresh juice diluted 50/50 with filtered water
Fruit if you feel especially hungry
Herbal teas including echinacea, red clover, chamomile, essiac tea, pau d’arco, chaparral, burdock root or dandelion
One source of protein, either organic chicken breast, turkey breast, fish (especially cod, mackerel, salmon, tuna, halibut or sardines), tofu or tempeh, or organic red meat (no more than 3 x week for red meat). Add protein source to steamed or raw vegetables (good ones to include: broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, green beans, carrots, pumpkin, potatoes, spinach, brussel sprouts, turnips)
Fresh vegetable soup
Wild or brown rice with fresh vegetables and shiitake mushrooms
After Dinner
Fresh chopped fruit such as apple, banana, papaya, pineapple, berries, strawberries, kiwi, grapes, melon. Sprinkle with LSA mix and lecithin granules.
Herbal teas including echinacea, red clover, chamomile, essiac tea, pau d’arco, chaparral, burdock root or dandelion
After chemotherapy or radiation treatment has ended, it is important for you to detoxify your body – see a naturopath for help with this.
Source: Naturopath Katrina Ellis, in her book “Shattering the Cancer Myth” (which I admit is a somewhat inflammatory title, but I found this book to be an invaluable source of information while I was going through breast cancer and I highly recommend it and the author.)
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