Can I Eat Fruit If I Have Breast Cancer?

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Can I Eat Fruit If I Have Breast Cancer?
I am asked so frequently “Can I Eat Fruit If I Have Breast Cancer? I decided to shoot a video about it!
It’s a fair enough question, because the problem (as it is perceived) is we are told so often to avoid sugar if we have breast cancer, it would seem that fruit sugar is also dangerous, but that is NOT the case. Watch the video, you’ll see what I mean.
Hopefully that’ll clear up some questions for you! If not, be sure to comment below.
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About Marnie Clark
Hi I’m Marnie Clark, breast cancer survivor turned coach. I have 20 years of experience in natural medicine. In 2004/05 I battled breast cancer myself. You can see more about my journey on my page Breast Cancer Diary.
I’ve been healthy and recurrence-free since 2004 and in 2012 I became a Breast Cancer Coach because I became aware of the fact that whilst there is now a wealth of information on the Internet, much of it is confusing, conflicting, and sometimes just wrong!
So it is my duty to help you unconfuse and untangle all that information, and find what works for YOU.
GET MY BEST TIPS on healthy ways to beat breast cancer and prevent recurrences by signing up for my free e-newsletters and eBooks.
You can also “like” me on Facebook (Marnie Clark, Breast Health Coach) to get my inspirational snippets, news and updates. I promise to do my utmost to keep you informed and empowered on your healing journey… and beyond.
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“Thank you for the email and the meaningful words. I also wanted to thank you for being with me during my treatments. Your emails and posts not only gave me information but lots of courage.” Susan Z, Canada
No one said anything to me about nutrition or diet. It was surprising to the doctor and the nurses that I was preferring to make nutritional and environmental changes rather than take medication to repress estrogen. I do crave sugar even after 2 plus years . I am going for harm reduction so I don’t get too discouraged. Thanks for the posts and the web site~
Dear Esther,
Thanks for your comment – that doesn’t surprise me ONE bit! Re the sugar cravings, have you tried chromium to help reduce them? I wrote a newsletter about it, perhaps you still have it. If not, I can re-send it. It can be really helpful for those sugar cravings. Also keep in mind that sometimes your body sends out an “I want sugar” message when what it really wants is water. Try that next time you get one of those cravings. Thanks for the kind words!
Warmest regards,