Photo courtesy of and Sweet Crisis

Photo courtesy of and SweetCrisis

Reduce Breast Cancer Risk By Avoiding The Use Of Pesticides

We are in the midst of fly season here in Western Australia and if you’ve ever encountered the Australian bush fly, you will know the special kind of hell they create for us!  Having said that, I am constantly surprised at how frequently I see friends reaching for a can of fly spray, or chemical mosquito repellant, or some sort of toxic pest spray, and thinking nothing of it.  I am here to persuade you otherwise because, of course, one of my main goals in life is to help people reduce breast cancer risk.  Not only are we spraying toxic chemicals into our environment (already laden with the same) but we are also setting ourselves up for breast cancer and there’s a very simple reason why.

Why Pesticides Are So Dangerous, For Women Particularly

Pesticides mimic the action of estrogen in our bodies.  The way they do this is by locking onto specific receptors within the breast and then stimulating cell division.  Even small amounts of pesticides can be dangerous to women. and the reason for this is that they concentrate in fat cells, and the breast is comprised mainly of fat cells!

Here are 3 Ways to Avoid Pesticide Exposure

1.  Use only plant-based or essential oil-based pest control in your garden (basically if it’s in your hardware store, I’d avoid it).  You can make your own, perfectly safe garden pesticide spray.  Here’s a great recipe:

Essential Oil Pesticide Spray For Garden

Items needed

* Distilled water
* Spray bottle – 8-oz/236 ml
* 1-1/2 tbsp liquid dish soap (biodegradable)
* Spearmint essential oil
* Citronella essential oil
* Lavender essential oil
* Blue tansy essential oil
* Cedarwood essential oil

To Prepare:

Fill an 8-oz/236 ml spray bottle with distilled water, add liquid dish soap, then add 3-4 drops of each essential oil.  Mix and spray generously on plants, fruits, and vegetables.

2.  Avoid the use of chemical sprays that you apply directly to your skin or into and around your rooms.  This wonderful and aromatic spray is easy to make,  and although the initial outlay for the oils is somewhat costly, they last forever and will make bottles and bottles of this.  Therapeutic grade oils have no expiration date but they should be kept in cool, dark places.

Personal Bug Deterrent

Items needed:

* Spray bottle, 8-oz/236 ml
* Distilled water, 4-oz/118 ml
* Unscented witch hazel, 4-oz/118 ml
* Thieves essential oil blend
* Purification essential oil blend
* Melaleuca alternifolia essential oil
* Citronella essential oil
* Lavender essential oil
* Lemon essential oil
* Peppermint essential oil
* Idaho tansy essential oil

To Prepare:

Fill spray bottle with the distilled water, add witch hazel, add 10 drops of Thieves, Purification, and Melaleuca alternifolia essential oils, add 5 drops each of lemon, lavender, peppermint, Idaho tansy, and citronella essential oils.  Shake well before each use and spray a light layer on skin and clothing.

This natural alternative to store-bought bug sprays will keep you free from chemicals and other unnatural ingredients, not to mention you are going to smell divine!  Everyone will ask you what that pleasant aroma is!

3.  Buy organic produce whenever and wherever you can.  If you can’t buy organic, due either to unavailability or finances, you must wash everything with a good quality fruit and vegetable wash, or make your own:

 Homemade Fruit & Vegetable Wash

* Slice a lemon in half and squeeze out 1 tbsp of lemon juice into a large spray bottle. If you don’t have a lemon, you can use a few drops of lemon essential oil.

*  Pour 2 tbsp of vinegar into the spray bottle, together with 1 cup of water.

 *  Screw on the top (the trigger portion) of the spray bottle and shake vigorously.  Spray this on all of your fruits and vegetables (even the organic ones can stand a wash!) prior to preparing or eating them.  Let them sit in the sink for a couple of minutes and then wash.  They are now ready to eat or use in cooking.

Please – do your best to get pesticides out of your environment.  If you regularly have your home and garden sprayed with insecticide, consider some alternatives, think about the fat cells in your breasts and let’s make our environment and our bodies a much cleaner, healthier place.

If you need to know where to buy therapeutic grade essential oils, contact me.  I will point you in the right direction!

If you would like my help with getting through breast cancer in an inspiring and ultra-healthy way, please sign up for my free e-newsletters and e-book on the right, or “like” me on Facebook (  It is my honor and my goal to help you through this so that you emerge from breast cancer feeling better than before, thriving!

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