Normally quite proficient at healing itself, the human body is extremely adept at knowing exactly what to do. It has plenty of self-healing mechanisms in place, most of which occur without our conscious awareness. Healing generally take place quite naturally.
There are times, however, when our minds and ideas can interfere with the process of healing, and if you find yourself in this situation, or suspect you might be, I hope you will find some tips within this article to be helpful.
We have long known of the brain’s capacity to heal the body, we have all heard the stories about people who healed themselves without the use of modern medicine and, conversely, we all know or have heard of people whose brains seem to be their own worst enemies. Somewhere in between these two extremes is where most of us dwell.
There comes a time in just about everyone’s life when an illness, a frailty, a condition of some sort hits us and just doesn’t seem to want to go away. People who would normally heal up quickly and go on about their business instead end up struggling with it, being sicker far longer than expected, or suffer recurrences of the illness. It is the subject of much research, many books, and much consternation.
I don’t claim to have all the answers, far from it. I can but offer some gentle guidance, some ideas about why healing doesn’t happen, and some things to help get the healing process underway. Over the years I have observed quite a lot about healing – and not healing. I’ve made it my life’s work, read countless books and research about healing, experienced healing – and not healing – within my own body and those of friends, family members and my coaching clients. There is much to know about healing and this article will scarcely scratch the surface but it might get you pointed in the right direction.
A Bad Attitude Can Stop Healing
Of course, this isn’t always the case, there are many aspects of not healing that do not involve a bad attitude. But when all of those things have been accounted for and worked with and healing still has not occurred, please consider this.
There are certain attitudes and thoughts that can stop the healing process. I would invite you to begin to notice your thoughts and feelings. Are you worrying incessantly over something? Holding a grudge? Mad at someone you can’t forgive? Do you find yourself complaining a lot? Do you actually believe that you can heal, or are you expecting the doctors, some new wonder drug, or someone else to heal you? Perhaps you have an idea that you are not worthy of healing. All of this can create an inner resistance which can be interfering with your healing process.
Recognizing that resistance can be difficult, it requires you to sit still and ponder. It can be a painful process. You must pay close attention to your thoughts and feelings, and some of those thoughts can be so automatic you might not even realize you are thinking them until you start to pay attention and poke around amongst them.
In the book “Power vs Force” by Dr David R Hawkins we are told “In every studied case of recovery from hopeless and untreatable disease, there has been a major shift in consciousness, so that the attractor patterns that resulted in the pathologic process no longer dominated.” What he means by attractor patterns is well-described in the law of attraction – that which you put out you also attract back to yourself. Dr Hawkins makes the point that every studied case of recovery from hopeless and untreatable disease seemed to require a major shift in consciousness.
Wayne Dyer also discusses attractor patterns in his book “The Power of Intention”. Dr Dyer says that we are told that our Source (whether you consider that to be God, Krishna, the Universe – whatever your beliefs are) “is never focused on what’s wrong, what’s missing, or what’s sickly. True healing takes you back to the Source. Anything short of this connection is a temporary fix. When you clean up the connecting link to your Source, attractor patterns of energy are drawn to you. If you don’t believe this is possible, then you’ve created resistance to your intention to heal and be healed. If you believe that it is possible, but not for you, then you have more resistance. If you believe you’re being punished by the absence of health, that’s also resistance.”
The Quality Of Your Thoughts Play A Role In Your Ability To Heal
Your inner thoughts about your ability to heal – and many other aspects of your life – play a huge role in your physical health, and therefore your mental health. We are a body/mind integration. Obviously I am not minimizing the role that a healthy balanced diet, exercise, supplementation, etc plays in your ability to heal yourself. But your mind probably has the biggest role to play and is the aspect most often neglected.
People will go scurrying off in search of some new miracle supplement, superfood, or exercise craze ten times faster than they will sit down and analyze their thoughts and emotional health. It’s not easy and we tend to shy away from the thing that makes us uncomfortable. But I encourage you to do just that because it will probably make the biggest difference with your health and ability to heal.
Here are my best tips gathered over 25 years of personal research in healing.
1. Eradicate Fear. You must let go of any fear that permeates your mind. When you are ill, fear is often promulgated by the health care industry (think of those oncologists telling us what percentage of chance we can expect of having a recurrence if their advice is not followed to the letter). Our Source has no fear within it, only love, peace and perfection. A mind held by too much fear tells us that something is amiss within that mind, and it is creating resistance to healing. Examine any fear, look it straight in the eyes and acknowledge it, thank it for the lesson, and then let it go. There are many therapies like Emotional Freedom Technique and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy that will help you do this. Go and see a qualified health professional like a psychiatrist if you need to. Talk to your close friends about the fear. See your pastor, do whatever you need to do, but tackle that fear.
2. Deal With Negative Emotions. In the above paragraph, I used the word “fear”. But other negative states of mind can stop healing as well, such as grief, anger, being in a state of unforgiveness toward someone who has hurt you, any feeling or emotion that feels negative to you. Tackle them, one at a time. Get rid of them, banish them from your life. They are holding you back, sucking your life’s energy, keeping you from being whole, healthy and happy. Do whatever you need to do, get the assistance you need, so that you can let these feelings go and begin to heal.
3. Heal Negative Thoughts and Words. Pay close attention to your thoughts and words. If you catch yourself feeling negative, thinking negative things and saying negative things, stop yourself and counter them with something more positive. If you are asked by a friend to share or discuss something about which you can only feel negative, simply thank them for their concern, and tell them you are no longer talking about that, you are having a break from it and change the subject. Highly recommended because what you pay attention to and talk about is given energy and grows, so let that be something good. I love this quote by Will.I.Am “I’m ignoring my problems and paying attention to my dreams.” Smart man. Healing your inner thoughts and words is well worth the effort because in so doing, you are removing resistance and doubt, and you are letting the cells of your body hear another story. Have faith that healing can take place. Expect it, intend it. Know it like you have known nothing else in your life that you CAN AND ARE HEALING. The cells of your body hear your thoughts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and do their bidding. Send only healing messages, put together a healing affirmation or two, memorize the words and repeat them to yourself a thousand times per day if you need to. Know that miracles are always possible. Become a magnet for miracles!
4. Ask For Help. Ask for assistance from your Source with your healing process. Hand your burden over to your Source, ask for guidance, ask for the right people to show up in your life to assist you on your healing path. One of my favorite quotations from Wayne Dyer is this: “Put your mind and body in a peaceful place and allow the Universe to work in the best way it knows how.” Then get out of the way and allow it to happen, without fear, without resistance.
5. Raise Your Vibration, or your positive energy. I know that sounds weird to some but we are energy bodies, made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies. In illness our vibration is quite low, so it is imperative to learn what things you can do to increase it. I share some really good tips on the best ways to raise your vibration in my article Offering Hope To Those With Metastatic Cancers – Raise Your Vibration.
I have a feeling that this article will be one to which I am continually adding new information, so pay it a visit once in awhile. In the meantime, if I can assist you, please contact me.
Power vs Force by Dr David R Hawkins
Healers on Healing, edited by Richard Carlson and Benjamin Shield
The Power of Intention by Dr Wayne W Dyer
Why People Don’t Heal And How They Can by Carolyn Myss
One last quote:
“Something we were withholding made us weak
Until we found it was ourselves.” – Robert Frost
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