Fabulous After Latissimus Dorsi Flap Breast Reconstruction

If you’ve just had a breast reconstruction and your surgeon utilized the Latissimus Dorsi Flap procedure, you’ll want to know about this helpful yoga position called Balasana.

Once your incisions have healed, the drains have been removed, you are no longer sore and your surgeon says it’s okay, I recommend doing this yoga position just as soon as you can manage it.

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Don’t worry if you can’t get into the position initially, it’s most likely something you can work towards.  Just go as far as is comfortable for you on the day.

Why To Do It!

While this type of breast reconstruction surgery can be wonderful and give you back your figure, it can provide problems.

This surgery can really curtail your range of motion on the affected side if you are not proactive.

I found this particular yoga position so beneficial because it’s gentle, it really helped with my range of motion, it cuts down on adhesions (which can be caused by the newly formed uniting tissues – adhesions can block circulation and cause pain, limited movement, and inflammation) and really helps you to reclaim your body.

I also found deep tissue massage to be extremely beneficial.

How Often?

Do this yoga position at least 5 times a week!  It doesn’t take long, and it really does help so much.  May it be the beginning of a wonderful new relationship between you and yoga.

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